Tarion Sky


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Kyrillonic Tarion

The prelude to Fusion Tarion!


In an alternate universe, Misumi Mako and her friends Kairi Seto and Hikaru Kamiya are the only survivors left from the NWHO, a huge defense organization that was devoted to protecting their world.  Forming a new organization called the Ma-Jiko, Misumi, Kairi and Hikaru meet up with two others, Konteko and Sakei.  Using the reserved powers from the old NWHO that they were taught to use, the Ma-Jiko continued its ploy to save the world using the talisman insight they know better as love.

Nothing is ever easy...but Misumi and her friends can make it!
The details of Kyrillonic Tarion are still being finalized and the story should be out soon.
